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Publicerad: 2025-01-14

Page in English

RiksSår, the Swedish national quality Registry for Ulcer Treatment, includes patients with hard-to-heal ulcers (ulcers which has not healed within 6 weeks) such as venous ulcers, arterial ulcers, venous-arterial ulcers; diabetic foot ulcers; pressure ulcers; and ulcers due to trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, and malignancy.

RiksSår works within multidisciplinary teams with physicians, nurses and assistant nurses on every level of ulcer care and in many specialties such as family medicine, vascular surgery, endocrinology, internal medicine, infectious diseases, orthopaedic surgery, geriatrics and municipal health care.

We cooperate with specialist associations such as

  • Swedish Wound Care Nurses Association) - SSiS
  • Swedish Association of General Practice - SFAM
  • Swedish Association of General Practitioners- DLF
  • Swedish Strategic Programme against Antibiotic Resistance - STRAMA
  • Swedish society for Dermatology and Venereology - SSDV
  • Swedish Geriatric Association - SGF
  • Swedish agency for health technology assessment and assessment of social services - SBU
  • Swedish Surgical Society
  • The Swedish Association for Diabetes Nurses
  • Swedish Medical Association - SLF
  • District (rn) Nursing Association
  • Swedish Society of Nursing
  • RG Active Rehabilitation
  • Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions - SKR
  • UCR Uppsala Clinical Research Center

Cooperation with other Swedish national quality registries

Senior alert is a national quality register that aims to ensure a preventative approach within the areas of cases of falls; ulcers/pressure sores; malnutrition; poor oral health and bladder dysfunction/incontinence

Swedvasc, the Swedish National Registry for Vascular Surgery, started in 1987 and since 1994 all Swedish hospitals with a vascular service have joined Swedvasc.


Succesful wound management and implementation w. Dr Rut Öien (English)

Information about the registry 2004-2014 in English

Selections of publications

Steering group

Ongoing research projects